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Monday, September 28, 2009
Bondage Fairies HAHA Funny Band Name Anyway funny name but nice song This song is Bondage Fairies - Aeppeltysken Ok Don't bother to think wtf are they talking because it is in russian Nice rhythm... Labels: Bondage Fairies - Aeppeltysken 8:20 AM Just went to SEAB website to check there's is tons of thing for me to study for my o'level went to ride over the weekend thanks for rong zu's bike he borrowed me his bike, a great bike I think my set up should be like his haha btw my flu at its worst stage every 15 min dripping out water Slight fever in the morning but had subside over time went to polyclinic and finally understand why must we study the healthcare system in Singapore and Great British because i had waited 3 hours for my turn... And that Filipino Bitch doctor dun wan to give me two Day leave... Nearly scolded her but gave her a hypocrite smile instead.. haha got to go do my Ang Mo Kio Paper 1 now bye Labels: Life isn't a bed of roses 6:20 AM
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lucky Bastard.. Labels: lucky bastard 9:34 AM
Sunday, September 13, 2009
you believe this Holy shit Labels: Car airing Quarter Pipe 9:54 AM Early in the morning woke up around 4.30 am Watch a show about two friends very sad one of them actually killed the other friend while they checking out the gun on a dead man they didn't know it was a gun the guy which were holding the gun pulled the trigger with the muzzle pointing at his friend his friend died, and that was the last bullet in the gun when he grew up, he hope that dead man should have used finished the bullet So that he will not lose a friend... Quite sad... Back to today, well generally a good day to work except for some diesel leg wash and some slipping oil that made me fall plus loads coming down on my left knee.... damn pain o'levels is around the corner haven really got the mood to study but is studying le at most 2 hours then must go sleep arbo will die I feeling myself abit Abnormal coz I still dun have the mood to study shit jialat ok My Mob frame, Chew Yang decided not to sell me his frame... So guess what, I'm getting a frist hand one and it's one of my favourtie colour , ORANGE! Plus father agreed to sponsor me abit damn great haha I won't be blogging so frequently because of the laziness and the tight time constrains ok bye guys Labels: very lazy now 9:22 AM
Monday, September 7, 2009
Life became so lifeless for me ever since my frame broke now new problem hope tat seller did not sell away tat frame... I wanna ride... damn desperate to ride Night looks so imitating to me... Anyway back to today went to school for mock exam cant wake up for POA revision cant understand I slept at 6 pm yesterday and woke up at 10am and 12 noon maths mock today quite easy but there were some HUGE moth was just behind on the curtain where I sat then the bee came in, quite huge.... everyone covered their ears... I am damn scared of bee but had a reduced phobia on moth hope I can also faster kill the phobia of cockroaches ok tat all for today bye!!! Labels: phobia 4:40 AM
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hey anyone wonder how 50000 volts passes through your body it looks like this.... HAHA his dick is still burning... anyway he is fully cooked this is also another video but show don't use a snipe when you cant use it look at the way he crawl on the floor and moan!! Epic failure.... that also show why you sniper lying on the floor rather then standing Labels: epic failures 9:41 AM |